Free registration to learn about toolholding, workholding

Hear from industry experts representing SMW Autoblok and BIG DAISHOWA.
GIE Media

A variety of new workholding and toolholding systems are providing manufacturers with many options when it comes to metalworking – increasing precision and productivity. Even minor improvements in productivity or part quality helps support evaluating an investment in new technologies. Well-balanced toolholders are a must – but do you look to shrink-fit, hydraulics, or mechanical ones? The key is to learn about them and test the available options to determine what’s best for your shop.

Registration is free for the January 26, 2023, webinar at 12PM ET.

Workholding also offers many choices, especially today where it’s often combined into palletizing applications. There’s stationary workholding, dovetail fixtures, risers, and adapters – and so many available with zero-point clamping and all enhance 5-axis machining. These new workholding and toolholding systems are providing manufacturers with better results, more unattended machining, and increased machine uptime in metalworking operations. Learn what you should consider adopting to up your manufacturing.